Sabran Ya Nafsi

Striving for Jannah

Archive for the tag “dua”

Have Faith in Allah

Beautiful, iman-boosting reminder.

Scenes from Syria: Tears of a Mujahid before his departure

A mujahid from Jabhat An Nussrah spends a quiet moment weeping to Allah in dua, before carrying out a martyrdom operation against Assad’s forces. We ask Allah to grant him the company of the Hoors and the highest stages in Jannah, Ameen.


Response of Dua


“I am not worried about whether my du’a will be responded to, but rather I am worried about whether I will be able to make du’a or not. So if I have been guided by Allah to make du’a, then (I know) that the response will come with it.”

{Umar Ibn al-Khattaab radiAllahu’anhu}

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